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Monday, February 14, 2011

A Happy V-Day Weekend & Day 58. 307 Days Left.

The weekend was filled with photos, laughter, tears and fun (just as any other weekend would be spent).

we spent Saturday eveing with a great friend. He came over for dinner, drinking and much needed catch up time before leaving to Cambodia for 50 days. An evening well spent.

Sunday we decided to take the kids to a portrait studio for some Valentine photos. We left there disappointed and vowing NEVER to go again. We were given 20 minutes for a photo session and with two toddlers that is hardly enough time to get a great shot let alone even a decent one. So the hubby and I set out on a mission to get great Valentine’s Day photos of the kids. On our own. We took them to a park, we each grabbed one camera, each a kiddo and began snapping away. After a little photo shop we managed to get some great pictures and bonus the kids got to run around and play.

The hubby managed to have today off (not that we celebrate Valentine’s Day). I worked in a restaurant for many years; you could not pay me enough money to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day. Crazy. And with two kids it is easier to spend the extra money (when there is extra money) on them rather than ourselves. Instead we took our lil’ guy to get his CBC and lead test (I know we are great parents) but he was long overdue and the fact that he has eaten half the paint off his crib was haunting the back of mind. So we took him. On Valentine’s Day. We were there for 2 ½ hours before he was taken back. Afterwards, we brought the kiddos home for a much needed and deserved naps. What little troopers.

They finally woke up from their three hour long naps, with the promise we would take them to the mall for new Disney friends. We did just that. Loaded them up and headed out. Our first stop was a jewelry store so the hubby could replace his wedding band… he had a little accident at work. While he was paying I took the kiddos over to the Disney store to pick out their new friends. Addison immediately grabbed Eeyore and Jackson grunted for Goofey. Everyone was happy. You are probably thinking “what about you”… well, since you asked; the hubby surprised me with a Pandora bracelet. He is such a wonderful hubby. Not just because of the beautiful gift (but including that) but because of his unconditional love 365 days a year, because he is such a hard working and awesome hands-on dad, because he has blessed me with two beautiful children and because he supports me with every decision I make. Really, who could ask for more (except for maybe a Pandora bracelet)?

So Happy Valentines Day to each of you. Hope you are filled with love today and everyday.


Day 58

Valentine Pictures in the Park


Amy @ momMETIME said...

Love the pictures! You would never be able to capture this during a 20 minute drive thru session! Sounds like a super fabulous day...Thanks for sharing.

Amy @ momMETIME said...

ps...well except for the shots ~ hope your little man is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! Sounds like you guys had a blast. And, we're pretty lucky gals to have the husbands we do. =)

Skye said...

Good idea! I Love the picture of Jackson in the weeds (black and white) - so awesome.
And how about a picture of that beautiful bracelet? LOL

Alicia said...

Love the pictures. Just beautiful :-)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous- gorgeous- gorgeous- pictures. Well done mom!