
Sweet-Pea Baby Cakes The place for Diaper Cakes-the perfect baby shower gift for any mommy-to-be...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 27. 338 Days Left.

Jackson 10 months

Jackson celebrated 10 months by finally making it to the top of the slide...he had been working on that for three months.

Keeping Busy & Day 26. 339 Days Left.

The hubby was home from work today; great for help, sucks financially. It was helpful to have him around the house, as an extra hand, to knock off some of my to-do's before Jackson's big day.

The kiddies managed to keep themselves busy while the hubby and I breezed through crossing items off my long list. How you ask. Here just take a peek...




and taking a much needed break:

How wonderful to have content children keeping busy by enjoying the simple things in life.

Day 26

Jackson 9 months

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Panic Sets In & Day 25. 340 Days Left.

As Jackson’s first birthday party approaches, I have a laundry list of to do’s that are not getting done.

First, I partly blame a stubborn 2 ¾ year old. In short, today was not so great. The day was spent diffusing a number of tantrums, one over having to put on shoes so we could walk down to the car and get the requested Moose and Zee DVD. So guess what, No shoes, No Moose and Zee DVD. In addition to the tantrums, she had a couple of accidents in her undies, both pee and poop. Fun...

The bratty toddler episode was followed by a weather forecast calling for a series of Tropical Depressions and severe thunderstorms which are rearing for South Florida. Thus causing the panic. Apparently the depression, possible Tropical Storm Nicole, is hitting tonight through the morning and will be followed by a number of severe thunderstorms lasting until Sunday. Great. There is a possibility Jackson’s birthday party could be cancelled. I have two thoughts 1. Thank god I decided not to have the party at the park and 2. Mother Nature is a real bitch and she has fucked with us enough. First the bees and now Jackson’s birthday. I know I can’t compare the two but doesn’t every mother want to make this milestone memorable. I realize Jackson will have no idea, I will. I am looking forward, as well as Addison, Daddy, our family and friends, to celebrating.

On that note… Fingers crossed and continuing our countdown…

Jackson 8 months

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 24. 341 Days Left.

Jackson 7 months

Little did I know, he would be walking two weeks later...

Now, in five days my baby will be one!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Grateful For & Day 22. 343 Days Left.

As Becky from A Peek Over The Fence reminds us, it is easy to get lost in our daily lives and forget what it is that makes each day so special.

I often find myself frustrated with Addison and Jackson and have to remind myself that I am raising two precious children, not maintaining inconveniences. In these moments, I drift back to that horrid day in the park; talk about prospective.

So today I want to join in with Becky's and Maxabella’s “I’m Grateful For” and focus on the amazing gifts my life has to offer.

Today I am grateful for:

*Lazy Saturday mornings with the kiddies.
*Jackson’s morning nap especially after waking at 6am.
*Fingerpaint; keeps Addison happy for hours & I get more amazing art to showcase.
*Aunt Mon-ka arriving in town this afternoon.
*The Cat in the Hat (our new favorite show) & Yo Gabba for much needed mommy break.

Take a peek at Becky’s grateful for


and Visit Maxabella's blog to see what other's are grateful for today!


Day 22

Jackson 5 months

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Premiere Night, Baby & Day 20. 345 Days Left.

Thursday night premiere night.

Which means the Hubby brings home dinner, no cooking, quick and easy with little to no dishes. Kids are bathed and in bed by 7pm. The hubby sits in the nursery so I can hang alone in the living room with my glass of wine (bottle snugly placed next to me)…what? at least I pour it into a glass. I am off duty between 8pm and 11pm watching my favorite line-up of shows. It is Bones, Grey’s and Private Practice premiere night baby! You can find me on the sofa… I will be folding the two loads of laundry I did today; so not entirely off duty.

And for any reason, if the kids decided to become hellions- I guess there is always the Internet.

Day 20

Jackson 3 months

Difficult to choose, here is another

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Battlegrounds & Day 19. 346 Days Left.

My home has turned into a battlefield.

The wars generally begin in the morning, at the first sight of their orange juice filled sippy cups. Addison has Tinkerbell. Jackson, any one of an assortment of trendy boy cups. Jackson takes sight of Tinkerbell and charges thus causing the first battle of the day.

I guess I see the allure of Tinkerbell. For girls she is a magical fairy. For boys she is a feisty, hot little fairy with great boobies. And for Jackson and his new found obsession of boobies, why not Tinkerbell. Yes, Jackson has become quite obsessed with them, he even discovered a new game; smack mommies boobies. He plays this every time I hold him. Not so fun for mommy but a blast for Jackson. The more I tell him no or pull his hand away, the harder he smacks. Typically leaving my bobbies with tiny red hand prints. Although, they are not Tinkerbell’s. Hers are perky. I want her boobies. (but I digress). To solve this problem Jackson's juice is poured into his very own Tinkerbell cup. So much for the Toy Story, Cars and truck sippy cups. What was the point of buying them?

Battle two takes place in the nursery. If you have seen my pictures you know that there is no lack in the toy department. There is plenty to choose from. So why do they have to grab, push, hit and fight over the same toy? I will never understand. The battle is generally over a Fisher-Price Little People Bus. They have the plane, SUV, horse & carriage, tricycle, and truck. Why can’t they each pick one and be on their happy way? I have yet to find a solution to this problem. Even trying to distract Jackson with another toy or giving him one of the other Little People does not seem to help. He will get up, walk over to Addison and hit her. I can’t imagine where he learned that…

The third battle takes place over any meal. This is always caused by Addison. She will only eat what she thinks is Jackson’s food. Why? I make his meal on the highchair tray only to have to transfer the food onto Addison plate and make Jackson’s tray again. They have the same amount of the same exact food. So why do I have to do this three meals a day? Every. Single. Day. And I do.

The day is played out by a number of other battles; snack time, movie time, coloring, puzzles (which by far are the worse) and more toy battles.

Nap time will also stir-up a war over who is sleeping in what bed. Jackson climbs up on Tinkerbell bed to eat his bottle. Addison gets pissed, throws a fit, pushes and screams to get Jackson off. Why? She never wants to sleep in her bed. Five seconds later, she now wants to sleep in Jackson’s crib. After 30 minutes of fighting an almost one year old and three year old, I get them to sleep in their own beds. They are up 20 minutes later. It takes longer to get them to sleep then they actually sleep.

My personal battle is not to lock each in a different room and open up a bottle of wine at 11am.


Day 19

Jackson 2 months

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Confession & Day 18. 347 Days Left.

I wouldn’t admit this to just anyone...

I loved The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

If you have not seen this movie seriously watch it. It is Hilarious. Be warned it is ridiculously stupid and pointless. I really do not understand the entire movie, other than it is pee my pants funny. I mean who wouldn’t die laughing watching people getting smacked in the face with shovels coming out of the ground?

The hubby was shocked that I even went with him to watch the stupid movie.

That is his thing. Movies I hate because they are so pointless like Stepbrothers, Dumb and Dumber and The Land of the Lost (just to name a few) Not really my thing.I am a more of a romantic comedy gal. Love them. So when he asked me to go to the movies and watch what I knew was going to be completely absurd and I would hate,I was a bit hesitant. However, So glad I went. When ever it is on TV I watch it whether it is just starting, in the middle or nearing the end. I don’t pass up the chance. Why don’t I own this movie?

I would have to say this is one of my all time favs and is right up there with the Hangover.


Day 18

The next 12 days of 365 are going to Jackson. His first birthday is just 12 days away and we are going to celebrate starting now with his BIRTH day and first month...

Jackson Edward Sankey

October 2nd, 2009 ~ 9 pounds 1 ounce

One Month

Monday, September 20, 2010

Go, You Be Back & Day 17. 348 Days Left

Declares my almost three year old. She has decided that using the bathroom requires privacy.

Great, so how does that work? Where is my privacy? I can not recall the last time I used the bathroom or showered alone.

Using the bathroom is like a secret mission. I mouth the word and sign shower to the hubby. I sneak into the bathroom and no sooner I hear mommy what you doing? Mommy is going potty. Oh, you going poopies? Yes, mommy is going potty. This typically buys me just enough time to undress and quietly slide the shower doors open. But all three (yes, the hubby included) are conditioned to hear the shower door; apparently the noise from the shower door opening is a dog whistle. They come running. She opens the door; Mommy you take a shower? I come too. By now she is stripped down, Jackson is pushing her out of the way trying to crawl in clothes and all meanwhile, the hubby stands there just happy to get a peek.

Even pre-children showering alone was difficult. The hubby was then as bad as the kids are now. I guess that is why we have two children.

I relish the day I can say to all three Go, you be back. Until they fully understand, I will be showering and using the potty with an audience.

Day 17

Our condo pet. A duck that lives on the second floor. We venture to see her when ever we have the opportunity. Daddy was home so Addison and I were able to sneak out.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

My Rosy Glow of Appreciation & Day 15. 350 Days Left

The oh so funny tell it as it is Aimee from The Mom Who Stayed Sober
gave me a
One Lovely Blog Award.

Thank you Aimee you are awesome mama!

When given the award you are supposed to accept it (which I have happily done) and pass it on to another 15 (rules are rules) of your favorites and newly discovered blogs (letting them know of course). Then they each pass along the award, until everyone feels a rosy glow of appreciation and recognition.

So how to choose my favorites?

When it comes to blogging I like to read through the eyes of the writer, soak up the purpose and feel what it is that makes that moment so true to itself. I like to see it in the photos as well as the writing, in full color, and if there is something I can relate to, then even better. I think that I must be a secret hedonist (or just plain greedy?), wandering through the blogshere in search of that perfect blog that awaits me.

Here are a few I have stumbled upon and can’t wait to read more from

(in no particular order)

Artemis Clover: A Real L.A. Love Story

Lolavie Laughing at Life

Shibley Smiles

Mama B: The Confessions Of A Stay At Home Mama

All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something

The Mean Mommy Club

As The Forest{e} Grows

The Mommy Blog

Absolutely Bananas

Spoonful of Chocolate Sistah

The Esteps Missteps

Just an Ordinary Girl

Blonde Mom Blog: Just Another Manic Mom Day

2 Wired 2 Tired

Stark. Raving. Mad. Mommy.


Today's 365. Day 15.

Proud members of the No Shirt Club and that is a smiley face daddy painted on Addison nose to highlight her new beauty mark located smack dab inbetween her eyes...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 14. 351 Days Left

What Addison and Jackson have been dealing with at the torturous hand of mommy. Apparently she is taking it on on her lovey Moose.

A Post With Substance

I have been a little blog lazy and here are my reasons (excuses)

1. The hubby has been working nights and nothing good comes from him working nights. I will touch on this in a minute.

2. Both chillens are sick. They are coughing, sneezing, snot dripping, greasy little yuckos.

3. My lap top is out of commission so I am using the tower dinosaur with a broken keyboard and a space bar that sticks.

4. Jackson's first birthday is two weeks away and I am busy with the preparations. Yes, I begin birthday preparations early. For those of you who know me, I am a crazy perfectionist and preparations include an awesome DVD of Moose and Zee, Yo Gabba, Happy Monster Band and other favorites; which will be playing on the TV for the kiddo's entertainment. Along with a Moose and Zee mural on the outside closet door (for all the kiddies to beg their mommies and daddies for one) and a number of other party to-do’s.

So on to the hubby working nights...

When he first told me I had a bit of a temper tantrum and I broke the refrigerator. Well not the entire frig. Just the most important part. The Beer Drawer. Yes we have a beer drawer. It is the convertible vegetable/meat drawer with the temperature gage. It keep the beers ice cold, the perfect temperature. So cold that a small layer of ice would form on inside drawer. Fuck. No more beer drawer. I slammed the frig door when trying to get Jackson a bottle and a Tupperware of grapes toppled spilling out all over the floor, the door flew back open so I slammed it harder with the Tupperware stuck in between. Apparently it was just enough to shatter the beer drawer.

You would think I would like having the house to myself. No, I hate it. I hate being home alone at night with two babies. I morph a into a paranoid freak. It is like a terrible low budget horror movie in my head. I worry about everything. I cringe when I hear noises, the babies refuse to sleep for me, the dogs go into protective mode and bark at any little sound thus waking my finally sleeping babies. I hate being home alone.

I refuse to walk the dogs at night (because of the giant spiders that have decided to make their homes in massive numbers on our street).

There are no benefits to being alone. It is not like I get a vacation and can lay around the house in my own filth watching whatever I want. Instead, I will worry about my responsibility to prtect my precious babies in the event anything horrific happen during the middle of the night. Besides, I am a mommy of two so I usually don't have much time or energy to shower and it’s not like I will spend the night staying up watching movies... I will try to get whatever sleep I can because the morning is just around the corner and I will be up and going with my two little monsters children.

Night shifts do not benefit the hubby either; it is not like he is making overtime. In fact, he loses hours and a full Saturday. He has to get his sleep in the late morning and tries again in the afternoon. Do you know how difficult it is to keep an almost one year old and a temper-tantrum throwing almost three year old quiet? Impossible. Especially when both are sick.

Another bone with him working nights is that nothing and I mean NOTHING gets done around the house. When the hubby is home our whole daytime routine is, well, fucked. I now have animal hair tumble weeds blowing around the house from the lack of vacuuming. Plus our white tile floor is now speckled with trails of orange juice, ginger ale and a number of other sugary drinks. I have quit. They are all lucky I feed them dinner.

Thankfully the hubby‘s last night shift was Wednesday. However, we now get screwed out of him working Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Good times when we are planning for Jackson 1st birthday party in two weeks.

See nothing good comes from him working nights.

I say this while NOT so much enjoying my slightly chilled beer.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And Only 11 Months

Jackson causes destruction wherever he goes and the list grows longer as each day passes…

Gredda’s House (Grandma): One decorative wall plate.

Best Friends House: One monkey nightlight.

Friend’s Moms House: One ceramic decorative bowl.

Friend’s House: One decorative wall plate.

Daddy’s Stuff: One DVD he managed to scratch the hell out of.

Mommy’s Stuff:
One turtle figurine from Key West.
One coffee cup. (don’t worry not full or hot)
One Honeymoon picture frame.
One ceramic magnet.
One cabinet door. Knocked it off banging it open & close (baby proofed!)

Addison’s Stuff:
One light-up Lei.
One Noisy Farm book.
One pair butterfly wings.
One Yo Gabba Gabba train car.
One giant bubble wand. Snapped the handle right off.
Three coloring books. Ripped the pages out.
Handful of crayons he either ate or broke in the process of tyring to.

Jackson’s Stuff: Oh No, he is not bias…
One light up musical cube toy. Which was actually very cool and
both loved playing with the damn thing.

And I would imagine as we approach toddlerism it will only get worse!

For the record: Addison 2 3/4 years later, one glass candle.

Day 13. 352 Days Left


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 12. 353 Days Left


Even when they are sick, coughing, snot dripping, greasy, Vicks Vapored,

Little Yuckos

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 11. 354 Days Left

Lizards- our new favorites…

I was not sure if she would be fine holding it; but she was.

Kinda worried when it got away and crawled up her shirt; she was not.

Shocked she did NOT freak when it decided to hang on for dear life.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 10. 355 Days Left

These MUST be little monsters disguised as my precious darlings....
My sweet angels would NEVER make a mess like this knowing mommy would be stuck cleaning up after them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

You Don’t Get Out Much

As we are driving to yet another appointment, this one for the dog, the hubby and I get into a dispute over an off ramp on the highway. I have never seen it and asked when the hell did they put that there? He said it has been there. Oh really how long? because I have never seen it. The hubby’s answer was as long as he has lived here (which has been 15 years). Really? I think I would have noticed an off ramp on the left of the highway and I have lived here 30 years. The dispute then turned into how they hell do people in the HOV lane not end up on the public transit off ramp. Well this dispute was shortly followed by another. I saw some jackass yanking on a bank door. When that one wouldn’t open he went to the second door. Who would have thought,also locked. He then started peeking in the windows,no luick. Back to trying both doors. I say, Look at the fucking jerk. It’s Saturday what bank lobby is open on Saturday? The hubby's reply this time “Boy you really don’t get out much“.

Day 9. 356 Days Left

My daughter the FREAK

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 7. 358 Days Left

The Magic Nursery Window...

Each day is filled with new surprises and the little pumpkin heads love looking
outside to the world.

I'm It!

So as my new fave mama Kimberly, over at All Work And No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something, puts it so perfectly. I am using her words: Remember playing tag in grade school? That game was totally invented by parents. Like you ran like the dickens and didn’t even know that you were secretly burning all the sugar you consumed in your morning Pop tart. Parents are genius. Playing tag made for some good times except when the person who was “it” was a known nose picker and was trying to hunt you down with cootie ridden boogie fingers. So not cool.

Well Mama Kimberly tagged me, the new mama on the blogging block, in a blog tag game. Now I am it!

The rules are to answer 4 questions that she picked and then create 4 more questions of my own and then tag 3 more blogs.

Ready. Set. Here Goes…

1. What is something you want to do before you die?
I would LOVE to own my OWN home. I live in a beautiful condo (when it is not gigantic spider season) that really meets our lifestyle and is great with space… but I would LOVE to have a backyard for the kids and dogs with a swing set and all the room out there to play and run around. That I do not have.

2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Fuck, just one… really I have so many…ummmm, I hate when my hubby tries to help clean-up and puts things back in the wrong (not mama approved) place. Go ahead ask him.

3. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
It started with a just for fun list of Surviving Motherhood laughs I came up with and posted on facebook. I got so much great feed back that I thought, Hey maybe I can do this whole blogging thing. Thus Surviving Motherhood was born. How am I doing?

4. Do you like Cheese Whiz?
Hate, hate, hate it! My children will NEVER taste that shit. Come on people cheese in a can?! The fact they have CHEESE in the name baffles me.

Now my turn to tag…
These are my three fave bitchin' blogging mamas. I read them everyday- go on check them out.

You are it!
Sorry ladies but I would LOVE to know so much more about ya!

1. Becky over at a a peek over the fence. Her girlies are both so beautiful and with baby #3 on the way, it will make for more interesting reads.
2. Aimee at The Mom Who Stayed Sober. She speaks her mind and cracks me up doing so.
3. MaryAnne over there at ThePunkRockMom. Love her, Love her photo challenges, Love her blog.

And here are your four questions:
1. What is something you regret NOT doing thus far in life?
2. What is your most favorite thing to do with the kiddos?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. What is the one thing you hate doing most?

Thanks Kimberly for tagging me. Now go check out all four of these amazing women. I promise you will love them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 6. 359 Days Left

1-2-3 SLEEP!

Collection of my " so not tired" babies sleeping in random places…

Mommy: Addison it's nap time. Addison: No I can‘t. I so not tired.

Well, and then there is Jackson...

I guess Mommy is never right. Can I say I told you so?!

Pregnancy Brain, Teething and Soon-to-be-Threes

No, I am NOT pregnant.
I do seem to have the brain that goes along with pregnancy minus the precious little baby growing.

Well, in my case, we can call it stay-at-home-mommy-of-two-toddlers brain.

It is a wonder I manage to get the kids fed and dressed, at all. I have caught myself putting Addison’s pink Princess Pull-Ups on Jackson, giving Addison his bottles, putting Addison in Jackson’s booster seat, going to put Jackson on Elmo potty seat while Addison is looking at me in bewilderment doing her pee-pee dance and even putting the wrong shoes on the other.

As far as around the house; I am now keeping the cereal, bread and peanut butter in the frig and the chocolate syrup, jelly and juice in the pantry because that is where they end up.

Perhaps I can blame the above on the cranky teether and the toddler making a very difficult transition from the Terrible Two’s to the Holy Fuck Three’s.

First the cranky teether; Poor guy screams and rubs his face constantly. Nothing seems to help and I have tried EVERYTHING! Did the Humphreys because so many Mama’s swore by it; like it was magic“use the Humphreys and you will sleep tonight”. I used the Humphreys and the shit ended up in the trash. Tried frozen carrots and washcloths, Baby Orajel, an assortment of teethers in every color, shape and size (even vibrating), mesh teething bags filled with fresh frozen fruits. Yes, I have tried it all. If it was marketed for teething I purchased it and it probably ended up in the trash. That is except Tylenol. I REFUSE to unnecessarily medicate. Just wondering, how many teeth does a baby need anyway? Really.

Now on to the cranky almost three year old I call my sweet baby girl. AHHHHHH! She is a screaming at the top of her lungs, “NO”, “I WANT”, “IT’s MINE”, “GET IT FOR ME-NOW” temper-tantrum throwing brat disguised as my sweet beautiful little girl. Seriously, what the fuck happened over night?

When people tell you “just wait it only gets worse”, you really have no idea what they mean until you hit worse. Well hello worse, my name is mommy, I am running out of hair to pull now working on the eyebrows. Could you please take it easy on me?

So, sorry hubby. This is why when you get home from work breakfast meats are pulled out rather than dinner and why bath time is all yours and why I am so miserable to deal with come 10:30pm. And from what I understand: It Only Gets Worse!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 5. 360 Days Left

Today's 365 is a photo book I put together titled The BIG Brown Chair.

Addison went through a phase wanting pictures taken on a brown chair in my bed room. When she was ready for her photo opt, which could be at anytime time of the day, she would say "mommy camera, Jackson, BIG Brown Chair, shaky". Yes, mommy would shake her ass in order to get the kids to smile.

It started with one picture. Addison thought it was fun watching mommy shake & dance and the one photo turned into a month of great pictures.

So each night they would go to bed in coordinating nighties and each day dressed in the perfect outfits- just waiting for Addison to usher us to the BIG Brown Chair.

Click here to view this photo book larger

Monday, September 6, 2010

She Melts My Heart

And she knows it!

Since the Monday incident (for those of you who are new to Surviving Motherhood read The One Without a Title) Addison has discovered there is a much softer side to mommy and what she will tolerate.

For instance: when asking her to do something, any almost three year old does not want to do, I expect the answer NO. Which for Addison has never been out of the norm. However, she has come to realize, in the past week, if she follows the "NO Mommy you do it” (which typically would not stand) with a "No Mommy you do it- pleeeease Mommy-Mommy-Mommy-MaMa-MaMa"; I am now a sucker and I do it. Whatever it may be; which includes picking her up and carrying her with Jackson already propped on my hip.

Even her full forced bratty soon-to-be three years old temper-tantrums, do not seem to bother me all that much. (which, by the way, are far worse than any two year old temper-tantrum. Shit, terrible twos-HA! what the hell do you call the three's?)

Yes, it appears that I have gone soft and Addison is taking full advantage of that.

Sunday, September 5, 2010