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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just a guy thing & Day 77. 288 Days Left.

Jackson has decided he enjoys humping objects about his height. Mostly an electrical outlet box outside our condo building. No biggie, we are at home and it is funny.

Don’t you agree…

Last week, he did it at the kiddie play-area in the mall.

Seriously, what do you say to other moms?

I don't know where he got it; watching the dogs!? As they grab their kids and run.

So no surprise when he walked up to my leg and humped that.

Oh, the joys of having a boy.

Day 77

My funny little guy


Becky said...

Ohhhh no!!!! I have no idea what I would say... Oh, gosh.

Life by Cynthia said...

Ok, I am NOT ALLOWED to read your blog on my lunch break while at the office anymore! Busted up, AGAIN. They are going to think I'm crazy around here for laughing outta no where! BOYS. Thanks for sharing & preparing (preparing me for my boy and his future antics). Cynthia

Skye said...

LMAO! Now that is funny as heck!! Hahahahaa!

Ado said...

Okay, LOL - and...glad I have girls? But I know moms who have girls and they do the same thing! Oy vey.

MOMmetime said...

stopping by from the group funny moms on Bloggy Moms...

OH my...I said it earlier ~kids are a constant source of entertainment ~LOL!