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Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Sweet Unexpected Blessing

As I walk past the master bathroom I stop and take a long look…(it is almost impossible not to, being that my bathroom is floor to ceiling mirrors on both sides. Yes ladies, it is as hideous as it sounds!) As I look at myself I think: who is this person, when did I turn 30 and have two kids?

My life has suddenly shifted and I do not manage change well. I have become a stay at home mom.

At one point in my life, I helped manage a prestigious private lunch club. Now having traded my gorgeous suit jackets & stilettos for house dresses & slippers...often wearing vomit or pee on me for hours; until my husband is home and I can pretend to muster up enough energy to actually shower.

That is after having made dinner, cleaned-up the kitchen, bathed the kids, put the nursery back together and tucked everyone cozily into their beds(most nights mine).

I lost my job while seven months pregnant with my son. My daughter was 18 months. I never planned on being a stay at home mom. I enjoyed working. Enjoyed my job. Enjoyed engaging in conversations with adults. I went back to work when my daughter was three months and planned on doing the same after I had my son.

Life had other plans… I see it as a blessing in disguise. I love my children and believe being a stay at home mommy is what I was meant to do.

The joy & rewards they bring are unlike anything I have ever experienced. Addison and Jackson are my two perfect accomplishments in life.

I was standing in front of the mirror and it was that moment I thought Holy shit I am a mommy!

As I type this with one hand because my 10 month old son is sleeping soundly on my lap…

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