The wars generally begin in the morning, at the first sight of their orange juice filled sippy cups. Addison has Tinkerbell. Jackson, any one of an assortment of trendy boy cups. Jackson takes sight of Tinkerbell and charges thus causing the first battle of the day.
I guess I see the allure of Tinkerbell. For girls she is a magical fairy. For boys she is a feisty, hot little fairy with great boobies. And for Jackson and his new found obsession of boobies, why not Tinkerbell. Yes, Jackson has become quite obsessed with them, he even discovered a new game; smack mommies boobies. He plays this every time I hold him. Not so fun for mommy but a blast for Jackson. The more I tell him no or pull his hand away, the harder he smacks. Typically leaving my bobbies with tiny red hand prints. Although, they are not Tinkerbell’s. Hers are perky. I want her boobies. (but I digress). To solve this problem Jackson's juice is poured into his very own Tinkerbell cup. So much for the Toy Story, Cars and truck sippy cups. What was the point of buying them?
Battle two takes place in the nursery. If you have seen my pictures you know that there is no lack in the toy department. There is plenty to choose from. So why do they have to grab, push, hit and fight over the same toy? I will never understand. The battle is generally over a Fisher-Price Little People Bus. They have the plane, SUV, horse & carriage, tricycle, and truck. Why can’t they each pick one and be on their happy way? I have yet to find a solution to this problem. Even trying to distract Jackson with another toy or giving him one of the other Little People does not seem to help. He will get up, walk over to Addison and hit her. I can’t imagine where he learned that…
The third battle takes place over any meal. This is always caused by Addison. She will only eat what she thinks is Jackson’s food. Why? I make his meal on the highchair tray only to have to transfer the food onto Addison plate and make Jackson’s tray again. They have the same amount of the same exact food. So why do I have to do this three meals a day? Every. Single. Day. And I do.
The day is played out by a number of other battles; snack time, movie time, coloring, puzzles (which by far are the worse) and more toy battles.
Nap time will also stir-up a war over who is sleeping in what bed. Jackson climbs up on Tinkerbell bed to eat his bottle. Addison gets pissed, throws a fit, pushes and screams to get Jackson off. Why? She never wants to sleep in her bed. Five seconds later, she now wants to sleep in Jackson’s crib. After 30 minutes of fighting an almost one year old and three year old, I get them to sleep in their own beds. They are up 20 minutes later. It takes longer to get them to sleep then they actually sleep.
Good grief that makes me scared to have a 2nd baby. Battling with Sebastian over things is hard enough sometimes, I can't imagine having a second one in the mix. With just one I already want to open the wine at 11AM! I don't know how you do it hon but keep it up, it'll get better. At least thats what everyone tells me, lol.
I don't know who taught my son how to say it but I have my suspisions...but he says boobies. He likes boobies. He'll point to his belly button, then to his eyes or other random body part and then he reaches out his arm to touch YOUR boobies. EEEKS!!
I am one of 5 and growing up, I don't know how my parents dealt with the never ending WW3 in our home on a daily basis.
Stay strong momma!
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